Saturday, July 9, 2011


Warehouse Worker! now analyzes two confrontations. The first is Emily Guendelsberger and 8 friends versus 40 or 50 unarmed yooth in the streets of Philadelphia. Emily is an Oberlin graduate and an editor at The Onion. She is a full fledged SWPL, dating an Asian man. Let the Confrontation begin!

A photograph of Emily Guendelsberger

Opening round: Yooth approach largest SWPL male in Emily’s group (the ‘Alpha’) and strike him in the head. Emily explains what happened next: "That friend, showing kind of amazing restraint, looked very pissed but managed not to swing back; he just turned around and started walking away."

Second round: Emily again explains "And this surge of boys [ed: Watch it Emily] came running after us. They clearly didn’t want to rob us; they wanted to beat up the men in our group."

Third round: The yooth, having dispatched the SWPL males, turned on Emily, punching her in the face and breaking her leg. Confrontation ends as non-SWPL police show up. It is impossible to follow-up on our speculation that Emily might have ended up with many new boyfriends in the absence of said non-SWPL police intervention.

Recovering in the hospital, Emily reminisces on the events: “I’ve heard a lot of armchair quarterbacking about what we should have done, especially from people who are into concealed-carry and Bernie Goetz... Suggesting that shooting a gun into a crowd of crazed, violent teenagers would have somehow made them less crazed or violent I think means that you are drawing on imagination rather than memory. Just let me assure you: I was there. It wouldn’t have been a good scene.”

Fine Emily, thanks for playing ‘Confrontation’.

Now we proceed to our next Confrontation, this time between five heavily armed yooths and a single unarmed chimpanzee. As a full video has survived of the incident, there is no need for further narration on the part of Warehouse Worker!, enjoy and make your own judgments about Emily's conclusions.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Warehouse Worker! Exclusive Inteview with John Cole's Mom

Warehouse Worker! understands and accepts the factious nature of human beings in that people of a certain makeup would support policies beneficial to them and those of similar genetics and/or behaviors. Most things make sense, when you think about them.

This manifests itself politically in the observable Left-Right divide in America today. People ready, willing, and able to function as individuals generally seek greater degrees of independence to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. People who are dim or lazy are generally drawn to collectivist policies.

Which brings us now to exceptions. America’s black population has chronicly low achievement in most any metric outside of athletic performance, and a correspondingly low group income. But there are black spokesmen who are opposed to collectivist public policy. Why is this? Warehouse Worker! believes that the answer is money, in one form or another.

Talented people are a different stripe and while most naturally support greater degrees of human freedom, some support collectivist policies, but in this case often for different reasons. Warehouse Worker! believes that while the majority of talented collectivists are in it for the simple hard cash, others truly have altruistic hearts and are advocating collectivist positions for reasons of altruism.

So now we turn our attention to one of our favorite talented collectivists, John Cole of the web-site Balloon Juice. John is hard to judge. So Warehouse Worker!, sparing no expense, travelled to West Virginia and then around the country to find and interview John’s mom to try and ascertain the ideological underpinnings of this man. We finally tracked her down in Mississippi. What we found was not what we expected…

Meet John’s mom ...Lawarja:

Warehouse Worker!: Thank you for taking the time to provide our readership with your insights into John Cole, proprietor of the web-site Balloon Juice. Many of us are curious about what influenced John in his youth to pursue his current line of work. Are there any insights you could share?

Larwarja: John was born a poor black child. Hes has always been a good boy, a very good boy, but as he grew, weese began to see that he was not like the others. Ones thing weese began to see was that John didn’t move aroun’ like his brother Larmondo. So weesed feed John some extra Twinkees, jus to sees ifs that migh makes John move and jump. But it dint work. Nothin would make John move and jump like Larmondo. So wes were alls sad about dat.

John's brother Larmondo

Warehouse Worker!: One characteristic of the Balloon Juice web-site is its dedication to food. Did you see any early evidence of John’s innate talent in this area?

Larwarja: Ones thing weese very happy about John is that’s he is a good eater. Whiles Larmondo been runnin’ aroun in back, chasin’ cats and shit, John would be cookin’ with sister Shequisha. John be real good in the kitchen, and when he made the grits, there were always plenty of oils. But there was this one time and sister Shequisha had the shits, and John was in the kitchen all bys himself, and hes started on about mustard an tasty lettuce. This is whens we really started to worry about him. Brother Lamar says ‘shut the fuck up John and fetch mes a jar of mayonnaise’. And weese all thought this was real good and was jus rollin’ on the floor.

John's Sister Sequisha

Brother 'Mayo' Lamar

Warehouse Worker!: Tell us about John’s father and the influence he has had on John’s development.

Larwarja: One of the most confusin’ things around here is Father’s Day and with John dis is something really funny. I yoosed to think that John’s daddy was Lemont, cause these two have similar breath. But Lemont he done limp aroun’ in a particular way quickly, and, as John was growin’ up, he didn move much at all, let alone limp like Lemont. Sos I really think that John’s daddy might be Demarch. This would explain John’s problems with gas.

John Cole's alleged Father initially declined to be photographed for our expose.

Warehouse Worker!: Thank you for your time Larwarja. You have given our readership fine perspective on John. Best of luck in all your endeavors.

Disclaimer: Warehouse Worker! has no evidence that any of this is true.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Warehouse Worker!

I like working in a warehouse. We get free Gatoraid in the summer and lots of exercise. I see the shit you people buy.