A Photograph of Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League National Director
Write This:
I am not a member of the KKK, and am not a follower of David Duke. Although some of Duke’s points are hard to dispute. I am, however, concerned about the nature of Jews. To their credit, Jews display immense talents with verbal IQ and financial acumen.
My concern comes from those Jews whose minds are controlling, paranoid, and international in nature. This mindset, along with their verbal and financial talents, is what I believe is behind the New World Order push to eliminate borders, dumb down the population by race mixing, and create increasing levels of security at the expense of personal freedoms.
I understand that we are allowed to call George Soros a ‘bad guy’ in this forum. I further understand that we are allowed to call Francis Pivens a ‘bad lady’ in this forum. And this Steven Lerner gets the spotlight. Let us also consider the non-public face of Global Warming investments e.g. Global Government, David Blood. Consider Goldman Sachs. Bernie Madoff. Barny Frank. Charles Schumer. The ACLU. The SPLC. California Senators. On and on. These are the persons leading much public policy in America today.
So, yes, I am concerned about The Question and agree with Glenn that it should be discussed openly. To pretend that The Question does not exist never works out well.
Glenn, we forgive you for being born German.
Very good post Bill. I am following your blog. Take care sir!