Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Meet Your Czars VII

A Czar is a person of high political office appointed by the Executive Branch without being confirmed by Congress. Czars, by Administration, are thus numbered:

Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38

It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is Alan Bersin, appointed by Barack Obama.

Alan Bersin is a Jew who graduated from Harvard University. Alan coordinated law issues on the Mexico border for Bill Clinton from 1995 to 1998. Other than this he maintains a low public profile. Janet Napolitano named Alan to be the Czar in charge of our borders in 2009.

In a related story, the State of Arizona is seeking to raise $50 million to build a border fence to keep illegal Mexicans from ruining what is left of its public school system.

Nevada Senator Harry Reid (his mind is gone, I have het him and he mumbles about boys) and Maryland Senator Cardin (family name Kardonsky, fled Russia) are currently pushing legislation through the Senate which will allow Eric Holder’s Department of Justice to sue State and Local governments, such as Arizona, who seek to establish laws to protect their jurisdictions from illegal immigrants. Warehouse Worker! knows of no federal response from Alan Bersin.

Senator Cardin, of a family formerly known as Kardonsky, wants Eric Holder to be able to sue your town. Czar Bersin is silent.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Meet Your Czars VI

A Czar is a person of high political office appointed by the Executive Branch without being confirmed by Congress. Czars, by Administration, are thus numbered:

Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38

It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is John Holdren, appointed by Barack Obama.

John in a Jew who taught at Harvard University. The stereotype of persons of Jewish ethnicity is that they advocate for a totalitarian-communistic system of government with themselves in charge, and pursue their agenda without the burden of ethics. As measured by this stereotype, we stand in silent awe of John Holdren, Science Czar. John shares his aspirations for us in his book Ecoscience.

Quote Perhaps those agencies, combined with UNEP and the United Nations population agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime—sort of an international superagency for population, resources, and environment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable, at least insofar as international implications exist. Thus the Regime could have the power to control pollution not only in the atmosphere and oceans, but also in such freshwater bodies as rivers and lakes that cross international boundaries or that discharge into the oceans. UnQuote

Now, if that ain’t Alpha-Jew material, nothing is. Reading further into Ecoscience, we ascertain that John seeks to target ‘individuals [who] contribute to general social deterioration’ for sterilization. Let us consider photographs, and take a guess at which type of American is more likely to contribute to John's idea of general social deterioration:

Photograph Number One- Very Sexy American Democrat Voter Seeking to Better Herself through Educational Opportunities Provided by a Benevolent Activist Planetary Regime:

or... Photograph Number Two- Violent Nazi Flash Mob Hate-Filled Genocidal Gentiles Who Refuse to Accept Their Place Under a Benevolent Activist Planetary Regime:

Warehouse Worker! will investigate and seek to determine the answer.

Meet Your Czars V

A Czar is a person of high political office appointed by the Executive Branch without being confirmed by Congress. Czars, by Administration, are thus numbered:

Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38

It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is Ed Montgomery, appointed by Barack Obama.

Edward Montgomery is reportedly Jewish but Warehouse Worker! can find no references that trumpet that fact. He appears to be mixed-race and is perhaps not well regarded outside of Big Diversity. He was paid by Michigan State University from 1981 to 1990. Then he was paid by the University of Maryland from 1990 to 1997. Wikipedia reports that nine years into his academic career Ed was appointed as an Associate Professor, which seems kind of strange. In any case, Ed made full Professor two years later, in 1992.

In 1997, Ed went to work for Bill Clinton at the Department of Labor, and eventually served as deputy of that government agency.

Ed graduated from Harvard University and is Barack’s Auto Recovery Czar.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Meet Your Czars IV

A Czar is a person of high political office appointed by the Executive Branch without being confirmed by Congress. Czars, by Administration, are thus numbered:

Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38

It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is Paul Volcker, appointed by Barack Obama.

Paul Volcker is a Jew who graduated from Harvard University with a degree in political economics. Paul’s ethnicity takes some work to ascertain as his Wikipedia article does not contain a religion check-box but does include the following: “As a child, he attended his mother's Lutheran church, while his father went to an Episcopal church.”

Requiring one to search Jewish news for Jews where we can find a report by that teaches us: “Born to a Jewish family in New Jersey in 1927, Volcker attended Princeton University, Harvard and the London School of Economics.”

Paul graduated from college in 1952 and immediately went to work at the Federal Reserve as an analyst of monetary affairs. Paul followed his mentor at the Fed, Robert Roosa (CFR, Rockerfeller Foundation) from the employment of the Fed to the employment of the Federal government in 1963 at the Treasury Department. After two years serving the interests of the American citizenry, Paul went back into private banking practice as Vice President and Director of Planning of Chase Manhattan Bank.

In 1969, it was back to the Treasury Department for Paul, where he was appointed as undersecretary for international monetary affairs. The highlight of Paul’s deployment was the abolishment of the Gold Standard, which was achieved in 1971. Then back to the Federal Reserve from 1975 to 1987, where he served as Chairman.

*** Volcker *** Greenspan *** Bernanke ***

After his notable academia-Fed-government-private bank-Fed run, Paul made his next step this time as a, slow down… investment banker at J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn & Co in 1987. Paul’s partner James Wolfensohn (Jew) went on to become head of the World Bank. Both Paul and James are members of the Bilderberg Group.

In 1995, Paul shook down Swiss banks for $1.2 billion for ‘holocaust reparations’. While Wikipedia does not mention this, the Jewish news for Jews account linked to above states:

“The five years Volcker spent working with an Israeli team have made him well versed in Israeli matters. Should he be named secretary of the treasury or head of the Financial Council, Israel will have a friend there."

Paul was named as Barack’s Economics Czar in 2009.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Meet Your Czars III

A Czar is a person of high political office appointed by the Executive Branch without being confirmed by Congress. Czars, by Administration, are thus numbered:

Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38

It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is Steve Rattner, appointed by Barack Obama.

Steve Rattner is a Jew who graduated from Brown University. Steve started out his career as an economic reporter for the New York Times, quickly moving from there into the field of investment banking. Steve spent two decades investment banking with Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, and Lazard Freres & Company.

Striking out on his own, Steve founded the Quadrangle Group. The Quadrangle group is an investment management firm specializing in the media and communications industries. Steve’s good fortunes continued and he managed (manages?) Michael Bloomberg’s personal fortune in his emergent company Willett Ventures, LLC. In his spare time Steve continues to write editorials for the New York Times and appears on MSNBC to provide commentary.

Steve got in a wee bit of trouble for reportedly paying off political consultant Hank Morris in a quest to manage New York’s pension funds. His partners at Quadrangle turned on him and agreed to pay $7 million and cooperate with New York authorities in exchange for not being shaken down further by Andrew Cuomo.

Last November Steve agreed to pay a personal fee of $6.2 million and not talk to any brokers, dealers, or investment advisors in exchange for not admitting guilt. In accordance with Wikipedia, last December cost Steve another $10 million and he is now barred from appearing in any capacity before any public pension fund for the next five years.

Steve is Barack’s expert on cars.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Meet Your Czars II

A Czar is a person of high political office appointed by the Executive Branch without being confirmed by Congress. Czars, by Administration, are thus numbered:

Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38

It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is Ron Bloom, appointed by Barack Obama.

Ron Bloom is a Jew who graduated from Harvard University. He worked first for the Jewish Labor Committee and then went into investment banking at Lazard Freres and Company where he worked for the current Car Czar Steve Rattner. Ron then went into the investment banking business for himself calling the firm Keilin and Bloom.

Ron is a cranky little Czar, telling his followers that the free market is nonsense and all political power ‘comes from the barrel of a gun’. Ron was named by Time Magazine (Gerald Levin) as one of the 100 most influential Americans.

The Wall Street Journal reports the following about Ron:

The United Steel Workers thought Mr. Bloom was “a little too cozy with the moneymen.” {snip}

Mr. Bloom was quoted as saying that dealing with financial buyers of steel assets “is just business.” Indeed, he said, in contrast to traditional steel executives, who sometimes want unions “in their place,” talking to private-equity types is refreshing: “They don’t take cultural offense to anything. They just deal with power.”

Warehouse Worker! suspects that “financial buyers of steel assets” differ somewhat ethnically from “traditional steel executives” and that Czar Bloom is probably genetically closer to the former than the latter.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Meet Your Czars

A Czar is a person of high political office appointed by the Executive Branch without being confirmed by Congress. Czars, by Administration, are thus numbered:

Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38

It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is Richard Holbrooke, appointed by Barack Obama.

Richard Holbrooke was a Jew who graduated from Brown University. He was managing director of Lehman Brothers, vice Chairman of private equity firm Persus LLC, vice president of Credit-Suisse First Boston, and on the Board of Directors of Maurice Greenberg’s American International Group (AIG). In 2008 AIG received $150 billion of taxpayer money in the form of a ‘bailout’. Richard Holbrooke died in 2010.

Holbrooke’s mother (Moos), fled Germany in 1933. Holbrooke’s father was born with the name Goldbrajch and fled Poland in 1939.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Occupier Experiences Brush with Natural Law

The parallels between 21st Century America and Germany-1930s continue. History never seems to treat obnoxious Jewish communists kindly.