Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38
It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is Ron Bloom, appointed by Barack Obama.

Ron Bloom is a Jew who graduated from Harvard University. He worked first for the Jewish Labor Committee and then went into investment banking at Lazard Freres and Company where he worked for the current Car Czar Steve Rattner. Ron then went into the investment banking business for himself calling the firm Keilin and Bloom.
Ron is a cranky little Czar, telling his followers that the free market is nonsense and all political power ‘comes from the barrel of a gun’. Ron was named by Time Magazine (Gerald Levin) as one of the 100 most influential Americans.
The Wall Street Journal reports the following about Ron:
The United Steel Workers thought Mr. Bloom was “a little too cozy with the moneymen.” {snip}
Mr. Bloom was quoted as saying that dealing with financial buyers of steel assets “is just business.” Indeed, he said, in contrast to traditional steel executives, who sometimes want unions “in their place,” talking to private-equity types is refreshing: “They don’t take cultural offense to anything. They just deal with power.”
Warehouse Worker! suspects that “financial buyers of steel assets” differ somewhat ethnically from “traditional steel executives” and that Czar Bloom is probably genetically closer to the former than the latter.
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