Gerald Ford: 2
Jimmy Carter: 2
Ronald Reagan: 1
Bush I: 2
Bill Clinton: 8
Bush II: 33
Barack Obama: 38
It is the opinion of Warehouse Worker! that our Czars are a manifestation of the international business community, created as a vehicle to circumvent the last vestiges of an American Representative Republic. Today’s Czar is Paul Volcker, appointed by Barack Obama.

Requiring one to search Jewish news for Jews where we can find a report by that teaches us: “Born to a Jewish family in New Jersey in 1927, Volcker attended Princeton University, Harvard and the London School of Economics.”
Paul graduated from college in 1952 and immediately went to work at the Federal Reserve as an analyst of monetary affairs. Paul followed his mentor at the Fed, Robert Roosa (CFR, Rockerfeller Foundation) from the employment of the Fed to the employment of the Federal government in 1963 at the Treasury Department. After two years serving the interests of the American citizenry, Paul went back into private banking practice as Vice President and Director of Planning of Chase Manhattan Bank.
In 1969, it was back to the Treasury Department for Paul, where he was appointed as undersecretary for international monetary affairs. The highlight of Paul’s deployment was the abolishment of the Gold Standard, which was achieved in 1971. Then back to the Federal Reserve from 1975 to 1987, where he served as Chairman.
*** Volcker *** Greenspan *** Bernanke ***
After his notable academia-Fed-government-private bank-Fed run, Paul made his next step this time as a, slow down… investment banker at J. Rothschild, Wolfensohn & Co in 1987. Paul’s partner James Wolfensohn (Jew) went on to become head of the World Bank. Both Paul and James are members of the Bilderberg Group.
In 1995, Paul shook down Swiss banks for $1.2 billion for ‘holocaust reparations’. While Wikipedia does not mention this, the Jewish news for Jews account linked to above states:
“The five years Volcker spent working with an Israeli team have made him well versed in Israeli matters. Should he be named secretary of the treasury or head of the Financial Council, Israel will have a friend there."
Paul was named as Barack’s Economics Czar in 2009.
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