Wednesday, December 7, 2011

News from the Ivory Coast

Something a little different...

In an effort to broaden our horizons, Warehouse Worker! now travels to the Ivory Coast, a democracy. In this democracy there was a military junta in the year 2000 whose head decided that he would be in charge. Then Laurent Gbagbo and his forces kicked out the head of the military junta and decided that he would be in charge. Sources tell us that Gbagbo did not graduate from Harvard University.

Then Gbagbo refused to hold elections in 2004, and when regions of his country protested, he bombed them. France must have some natural resources in the Ivory Coast as Gbagbo’s bombing runs killed 9 Frenchmen. So France destroyed the ‘Ivory Coast Air Force’ and there was a small race war.

Gbagbo again refused to hold elections in 2006 and said they would be postponed until 2008. Which was then postponed until 2010. Gbagbo was Constitutionally prohibited from serving more than 10 years in office but this did not matter.

So, anyway, Gbagbo lost and declared the vote to be flawed. He then only counted those regions who voted for him and this is how Gbagbo won the election. Then Gbagbo’s election rival’s forces arrested Gbagbo with the consequence being the photograph at the head of this web-post. It is rumored that Gbagbo’s sentence is to spend 20 years with his wife, pictured to his left.

Warehouse Worker! eagerly anticipates the American elections of 2112.

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